
Wow Momo: Spreading The Love For Momos Across India & Beyond

Murali Krishnan ,Co-Founder & CMO

Murali Krishnan

Co-Founder & CMO

Wow Momo, since its establishment in 2008, a prominent food chain in India that specializes in momos, has become a household name in the country. Murali Krishnan, co-founder of Wow Momos, explains the amazing tale behind the brand's success. Sagar Daryani and Binod Homagai, two college buddies who realized the potential to build a great brand out of a famous roadside snack, founded the company. Momo was a popular snack in Kolkata at the time, and the founders saw a large market opportunity for a momo-focused food chain.

Initially, Wow Momo was totally supported by customer investments because angel or startup investment money was not available in the Indian market at the time. From 2008 until 2015, Wow Momo opened 40 stores across the country utilizing only the proceeds from their sales. They pulled in an angel investor in 2015 to assist them grow the firm even further.

Murali also tells an intriguing story of how they opened their first store with only Rs.30,000. They contacted Spencer's and set up a 9-square-foot kiosk with a few flecks, which are flex material A-frame structures. They were generating 6-7 percent of the store's total revenue from this modest kiosk, prompting Spencer's to grant them a larger place in one of Kolkata's largest malls, South City Mall.
To stay up with shifting market trends, Wow Momo is always innovating. They've launched new momo flavors and forms, such as tandoori momos and chocolate momos, as well as burgers using momos as the stuffing. They also intend to grow their operations internationally, beginning with Bangladesh and Nepal. Krishnan also discusses the difficulties they had during the pandemic, which led them to temporarily close many of their locations. They soon reacted, though, by introducing a delivery-only business and collaborating with internet meal delivery providers. They also developed new items, such as immunity-boosting teas and health drinks, to meet their clients' growing needs.

He emphasizes the importance of client-centricity in his brand and how they aim to treat consumers like kings. He feels that innovation and client trust are the two factors that distinguish his brand and have contributed to its success. "We are passionate about momos and want to give our customers the best experience possible." "We are dedicated to quality, sanitation, and innovation," he says. The brand has become a sign of trust in India, which they have used to launch new products and brands. Maggie Momos, for example, was a co-created recipe with Maggie that added health and sanitation to a roadside snack. This improved Maggie's brand image while also providing them with a new and safe way to enjoy the snack.

Wow momo is an excellent illustration of how a simple idea can be turned into a profitable business with proper execution & ongoing innovation

Murali Krishnan, currently the Co-founder & CMO of Wow Momo, admits that there have been difficulties along the way, including team building, discrimination, and pricing competitiveness. He does, however, show how they overcame all the obstacles through innovation and customer research. They were able to overcome price competition, for example, by constantly innovating and producing new and fresh products for which customers were willing to spend more.

To summarise, Wow Momo is an excellent illustration of how a simple idea can be turned into a profitable business with proper execution and ongoing innovation. Murali Krishnan's tale should inspire budding entrepreneurs who want to build their own firms. "If you're passionate about what you do and have a strong team that shares your vision, you can overcome any challenge and create a successful brand that makes a difference in people's lives", he concludes.