• Udyog Mandir: Cultivating Healthier Horizons in Edible Oils
  • Udyog Mandir: Cultivating Healthier Horizons in Edible Oils

    The edible oil industry is a vital component of the global food sector, providing the essential cooking and dietary oils that are foundational to cuisines and nutrition worldwide. The edible oil industry is witnessing transformative trends driven by evolving consumer preferences and global sustainability concerns. Health-conscious consumers are increasingly favoring oils with lower saturated fats and trans fats, leading to a rise in demand for healthier alternatives like olive oil and avocado oil. The demand for healthier options, such as oils high in omega-3 fatty acids and plant-based oils, is driving the growth of the edible oil industry. A focus on environmentally friendly production techniques has been influenced by sustainability concerns. However, Consumers often face challenges...


A Healthy Option for Good Food

Mandvi Singh, Assistant Managing Editor

Are You Ready To Embrace Emerging Digital Aviation?

Scott White, Senior Manager Strategy & Business Development, Airbus

Antifragility Can Help BPM Industry To Combat Unforeseen Catastrophes

Sridhar Mitta, Founder & Managing Director, NextWealth